A Summer of Musical Exploration:
Co-Creation & Collaboration
FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 2021
Please apply in as many categories as you wish for no additional fees.
As a diverse community of artists, participants in the 2021 Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium will have many opportunities to participate in a wide range of events, concerts, presentations, master classes, and social gatherings in breakout rooms. Participants apply in a variety of categories: composers, composer/performers, performers, Vocal Fellows (singers & composers of vocal music), and conductors. Applicants are encouraged to apply in more than one category and may participate in as many different categories as they wish during the festival with no additional fees.
Composers are strongly encouraged to apply in the category of “composer/performer” so that they will have the option of participating in performance activities during the 2021 virtual symposium.
Activities for All Participants
All items offered both synchronously &
asynchronously except for rehearsals.
1) Creative Projects for Composers & Composer-Performers
• Three Global Composition Projects: "The Music of Hope & Resilience"
All composers and composer-performers will create music for one of three Global Composition Projects, which will be premiered on three pre-recorded online concert events on the following themes:
1) Social & Racial Justice--Collaboration with Fear No Music
2) The Environment & Global Climate Change--Collaboration with Delgani String Quartet
3) Bridging the Divisions in Society--Collaboration with 4 X 5 (piano duo)
• International Songbook Project
In addition to participating in one of the three Global Composition Projects, all symposium participants will have the opportunity to create a song or songs for a Songbook Project that is being hosted by Conspirare Company of Voices. The project was initiated during the isolation of the pandemic, as an open call for songs "emerging from the experience of 'breathing together apart.'" Craig Hella Johnson, director of Conspirare, is the leader of the creative team, which includes Robert Kyr---the team is engaged in the development and implementation of the Songbook Project.​
2) Concert Events (Online in 2021)
• Three Concerts of Global Composition Projects: "New Sound Worlds" Series featuring premieres of music by symposium participants
Our international roster of composer participants will co-create three large-scale works, each on one of the following themes: social & racial justice in collaboration with Fear No Music; artists-in-residence; the environment & global climate change in collaboration with Delgani String Quartet artists-in-residence; and bridging the divisions in society in collaboration with 4 X 5 (piano duo, artists-in-residence). These pieces will be performed in online concerts and recorded.
• "OBFCS Vocal Fellows Program Concert:" Premieres of Music by Participants
Vocal music by symposium participants performed by vocalists in the OBFCS Vocal Fellows Program and Estelí Gomez, Grammy-winning soprano and mentor/director of the program.
• "Performers Showcase" Concerts & Presentations featuring Guest Artists:
David Felberg, violin & Libby Van Cleve, oboe
Each concert is curated and performed by a guest artist or ensemble, and features both solo and chamber music.
3) All Composer Participants: Presentations & Discussions of Their Music for the Symposium
Each composer participant will have the opportunity to give a presentation about their music to the rest of the symposium. There will also be a means for composers to share additional information about themselves and to connect with other symposium composers and composer/performers for possible future collaborations.
4) Chen Yi, composer-in-residence: Two Presentations by Chen Yi, composer-in-residence, about her music, including open discussion.
5) Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, composer-in-residence: Two Presentations by Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, composer-in-residence, about his music, including open discussion.
6) David Crumb, composer-in-residence: Two Presentations by David Crumb, composer-in-residence, about his music, including open discussion.
7) Robert Kyr, symposium director: Two Presentations by Robert Kyr, symposium director & composer-in-residence about his music, including open discussion, and featuring the screening of "A Time for Life," an environmental oratorio for which he wrote the music and created the film (as filmmaker, director, photographer and videographer).
8) Vocal Fellows Program; Estelí Gomez, director: Open Rehearsals (Master Class Format) mentored by Estelí Gomez for the OBFCS Vocal Fellows, which may be attended by all symposium participants. [This option will be offered synchronously only and will not be available for later viewing.]
9) Solo Improvisation (Category V on the Application Form)
If you are interested in doing a solo improvisation as part of your presentation to the symposium, please apply under Category V on the application. While ensemble improvisation is not possible due to latency, participants who are improvisors are encouraged to improvise as soloists and present their work for the symposium.
10) Composers Film Festival: All Participants Welcome to Submit Their Films
Composers who have composed music for film/video or have created films/videos as filmmakers may submit their films to be shown at the Composers Film Festival, which is an integral part of OBFCS. The screening of each film is followed by a discussion with the audience, moderated by Robert Kyr. You do not need to show a film in order to participate--all participants are encouraged to attend the Composers Film Festival and join in the discussion about the films & film music that are being presented by their colleagues.