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Composers Gamelan

The OBFCS Composers Gamelan—the “Pacific Rim Gamelan”—is comprised of all participants who want to play in and compose for our Balinese gamelan, which is a full gong kebyar ensemble comprised of more than 20 players. No previous experience is necessary—everyone is welcome to learn, create and perform together as a music-making community!


In sessions led by Robert Kyr (symposium director), participants will learn the fundamentals of gamelan performance, and will compose a short piece that will be premiered on the final “Gamelan Celebration Concert” (on July 5th in 2023) that traditionally concludes each symposium. Composers are also welcome to include any instrument or group of instruments from around the world in their piece, in which case the Pacific Rim Gamelan becomes an intercultural “world orchestra.” If you are interested in participating in this year's Gamelan, please apply for this option under Category VI on the application.

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© 2023 by Oregon Bach Festival Composers Symposium

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